Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Dec 02, 2024     Views: 51

Public companies can issue dividends.  These are cash payments to the shareholder. Occasionally, companies will issue a one time dividend but most often when a company starts giving a dividends it is paid out every years.  

Companies can split their stock.  This makes no change to the capital structure of the company.  By doubling the share count the share price drops in half.  As share trading in sizes less than 100 shares often cost more, splitting the shares can make the shares more attractive to buyers.  

- Dividends – in CRSP select Dividend Cash Amount

- Splits – in CRSP – select Factor to Adjust Price, Factor to Adjust Price and the Cumulative ones of these as well.  For instance in in June 2014, AAPL split was a 7 for 1.  So the cumulative factor to adjust price and cumulative factor to adjust share volume is 7. At the time of the split the factor to adjust price and factor to adjust share is 6.

Dividends and Spits - Bloomberg Ticker < Equity> dvd <Go> (DVD includes both dividends and splits)

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