Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2023     Views: 285

  • For data,
    • MSCI ESG Corporate Governance Metrics  

      Leading authority on socially conscious investment research on the environment, social issues, and corporate governance. Data coverage is international. Continues in part MSCI ESG KLD Stats (1991-2019) which covered the Domini Social 400 companies,   KLD was domestic USA only. For the constituents of the DS400 (inception through November 7, 2008) see the DSS page.  

    • Refinitiv ESG ESG Scores from Refinitiv are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.) based on publicly-reported data.  Important to note that this database is survivor biased.   If a company is acquired, the ESG information is for the acquiror not the target. Available through WRDS**.
  • The FTSE4Good Index Series "Measures performance of companies that meet globally recognized corporate responsibility standards"
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
  • Bloomberg - (Available on the workstations located near Firestone A-13-J, Robertson 046, Andlinger 211A, Master of Finance lounge in JRR, and Sherrerd lower level.) collects data on Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors (what Bloomberg refers to as ESG).

    To screen for a list of companies by environmental, social, and governance variables, type EQS and hit the green GO key.
    Click on the Fields button. Expand the menu for Fundamentals, then Bloomberg Fundamentals. Click on ESG to see a list of available variables. Choose a variable of interest and input any metrics you'd like to narrow by. Click on Update, then hit 1 and the GO key to see your results.

    To see all environmental, social, and governance factors regarding a specific company, type the company's ticker, then hit the yellow EQUITY key, then type FA and hit the green GO key.
    For example, to see Exxon Mobil's ESG variables, type
    Once you've opened up this financial analysis page, click on ESG Variables to see a spreadsheet of data.

    For a broader menu of Environmental, Social, and Governance data available in Bloomberg, type ESGX and hit the green GO key.


  • For the best companies to work for, search ABI/Inform or Business Source Elite:
    • fortune in Publication Title/Publication Name
    • ("best companies" OR "in good company") in Document Title

("In Good Company" was the 2007 title.)

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