Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Feb 20, 2023     Views: 170

  • Many yearbooks can be found in the East Asian Library.  Also see the China Statistical Bureau Website (must use in Internet Explorer). 
  • China Statistical Yearbook
    • Current volume of the print edition in Firestone Data and Statistical Services (DSS): Stat. Abstracts, call number HA4631.S725.
  • Additional yearbooks can be found in the East Asian Library.   Select geo-coded data is contained in the Geo-Explorer I component. 


Provides macroeconomic and financial time series data on China (including subnational). Contains a wide range of data on topics including national accounts, government and public finance, demographic and labor markets, inflation, foreign trade, foreign direct investment, financial markets, and data on a variety of industry sectors.

EPS China Statistics (English version)

Consists of 79 statistical datasets covering China’s population census (1953-2020), micro-census (1995-2015),  Industrial / Economic census (1985-2018), agricultural census (1996-2016), macro economy, financial markets, industry, trade, resources, and social statistics. The database has a particularly strong focus on city and county statistics. It allows creation of charts and maps and simple analysis. Data can be individually selected and downloaded in various formats.

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