Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Aug 07, 2024     Views: 174

  • U.S. Corporations are not required to disclose their charitable contributions.
  • From 2003-2008, Business Week did an annual survey (Late November/ early December) listing the largest 30 or so corporate contributors (cash and in-kind gifts). The information is based on about 200 returned questionnaires that Business Week sends to S&P 500 companies. This issue also ranks the largest 50 individual charitable contributors.
    • In ABI/Inform
      • business week in the Publication Title field
      • and givers in the Document Title field.
  • Giving USA
    • 1968+, print publication, is available in Firestone stacks (F) HV89.G5. (latest edition in DSS)
    • 2010, 2015, 2016 available online.
    • 2011+ is available on microfiche through the SRI Collection (SRI R4980-1).
  • For international, see the Charities Aid Foundation.
  • National Directory of Corporate Giving
    • Print publication. Current edition at Stokes Library; next-to-current in Firestone Trustee Reading Room; older in Firestone stacks, call number, HG4028.C6 N374
  • Corporate Giving Directory
    • Print publication at Stokes Library HV97.A3.729.
  • Catalog of Nonprofit Literature for abstracts of articles on philanthropy.
  • Giving and Volunteering Research is maintained by the Independent Sector
  • Chronicle of Philanthropy
  • Some useful microdata sources include:
    • Giving and Volunteering (1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001)
      Independent Sector collected data on topics related to giving and volunteering in the United States. Explores the characteristics of Americans who volunteer, and why and how they volunteer.
    • Canadian Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating (1997, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2018)
      Surveys how Canadians support individuals and communities on their own or through their involvement with charitable and nonprofit organizations. Survey respondents were asked how they gave money and other resources to organizations; volunteered time to help others and to enhance their communities; and participated in practices which help give substance to active citizenship.
    • National Survey of Volunteering and Charitable Giving, 2006-2007
      Follow-up to the Citizenship Survey, 2005 (Note: Citizenship Survey has been conducted biennially since 2001). The aim was to explore how and why people give unpaid help to organizations, and what they think of their experiences; what stops people from volunteering or giving money to charity; and how and why people give money to charity. It builds upon the National Survey of Volunteering (1991. 1997) and provides some insights into how things have changed since then. To obtain a free account please register with the UKDA.  Sample Size: just over 2,700 adults in households in England


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