Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Dec 02, 2024     Views: 46

These future contracts facilitate buying a currency in the future at a set prices. 

Use Bloomberg in Firestone (A Floor) .

  1. Type historic futures and hit Help
  2. Choose 1) Frequently Asked Questions and then 1) Historic Prices. There it shows you how to construct a code for a futures contract.
  3. Type ctm and hit GO to get to the Contract Table Menu. You will get a 2 letter code for the currency you want.
  4. Type month codes and hit HELP for the month code for the contract, e.g., H is March.
  5. The year is a 2 digit number, e.g., 02 for 2002.
  6. Type the code you have constructed and then hit the CMDTY key and hit GO.
  7. Choose Price History then 1)HP - Historical Prices
  8. Change to the dates you want.

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