Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2024     Views: 128

  • United States
    • Federal Election Commission
    • The Center for Responsive Politics' website 
    • CQ Political MoneyLine.  Provides data and reports for analyzing the flow of money through the U.S. political system. Provides campaign donation data dating to the 1979-80 election cycle and lobbying data from 1999. Track contributions from individual donors, associations, corporations, lobbyists, PACs, 527s and other sources, as well as candidate disbursement details.
    • Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections (DIME)
      Intended as a general resource for the study of campaign finance and ideology in American politics. Developed as part of the project on Ideology in the Political Marketplace, which is an on-going effort to conduct a comprehensive ideological mapping of political elites, interest groups, and donors using the common-space Cfscore scaling methodology (Bonica 2013). Constructing the database required a large-scale effort to compile, clean, and process data on contribution records, candidate characteristics, and election outcomes from various sources. The resulting database contains over 100 million political contributions made by individuals and organizations to local, state, and federal elections spanning a period from 1979 to 2022. A corresponding database of candidates and committees provides additional information on state and federal elections.
    • National Institute on Money in State Politics.  Allows one to search for subnational contributions.
  • Canada

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