Credit ratings are given to an issuer.
Bond ratings are given to the individual security.
The more subordinated bonds may have a lower bond rating than the more senior debt.
Asset backed, mortgage backed and other kinds of debt also have a rating based on the chances of the issuer repaying the security.
Public and private companies can issue debt.
For US government issues -
On each of the rating agencies’ website are details of rating criteria. For S&P rating criteria go to the S&P website. There are a number of rating agencies - S&P Moody's and Fitch are the best known. If screening for bond's with a certain rating this can be done using Mergent FISD. - shows the different ratings.
SDC Global Public Finance database in Firestone (A Floor) for the muni IPO bond rating.
Private company debt – SDC, Capital IQ, Dealscan and Bloomberg
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