Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Mar 12, 2024     Views: 1560

Faculty or staff members of Princeton University who have won the Nobel Prize in Economics

  1. Ben Bernanke, professor of economics and public affairs 1985-2002, and chair, Department of Economics 1996-2002 (shared with Dybvig) (2022)
  2. Philip H. Dybvig, assistant professor of economics, 1980-1981(2022)
  3. Angus Deaton (2015)
  4. Christopher A. Sims (2011)
  5. Thomas Sargent, a visiting professor, shared the prize with Sims (2011)
  6. Paul Krugman (2008)
  7. Eric S. Maskin, visiting lecturer with the rank of professor of economics (2007)
  8. Daniel Kahneman (2002)
  9. John F. Nash, Ph.D. *50, ( 2000)
  10. Sir Arthur Lewis (1979)

Alumni who have won the prize

  1. David Card *83 (2021)
  2. Joshua D. Angrist *89 (2021) 
  3. Oliver Hart *74 (2016)
  4. Lloyd Shapley *53 (2012)
  5. A. Michael Spence'66 (2001)
  6. James J. Heckman, M.A., *68, Ph.D., *71 (2000)
  7. John F. Nash, Ph.D. *50, ( 2000)
  8. Gary S. Becker'51 (1992)

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