Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Feb 20, 2023     Views: 263

  • Use Passport.
  • Use SimplyAnalytics, a mapping application that lets users quickly create thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data. In addition to data from the 1980+ censuses, projections are made.
    • Also contains data from the economic censuses.
    • Includes MRI Consumer Survey and EASI Life Style Data which provide detailed psycho-demographic data on life stages, market segments, and quality of life. It is also useful for entrepreneurship projects, because it provides data on retail sales, business counts, consumer surveys, and sales potential. Sales potential includes items such as culture, amusements, religion, education, mortality, etc. Quality of life includes variables such as crime indexes, earthquake movements, and weather data.
    • Includes Nielsen PRIZM -  Nielsen's flagship segmentation system based on household preferences for a broad range of products and services.
    • Includes Nielsen P$ycle - market segmentation for financial services and luxury items.
    • Includes Nielsen ConneXions - household segmentation for technology and communication products and services.


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