Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Aug 02, 2023     Views: 39

  • Grapevine  1961+ annual  compilation of data from Center for the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University and the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) regarding state tax support for higher education,
    • Includes general fund appropriations for universities, colleges, community colleges, and state higher education agencies.
    • Includes a national overview of state tax appropriations to higher education, as well as detailed tables for each of the 50 states.
    • FY 1986-2009 annual reports include two sets of data:
      • Initial appropriations figures for the current fiscal year.
      • Revised appropriations data for the previous fiscal year.
    • Beginning with the survey for FY2010
      • Only aggregate state totals reported, not appropriations figures for individual colleges and universities as in previous years.
      • Includes both tax and non-tax support.

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