Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024     Views: 125

State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010
Developed to study trends in the adoption of state public health laws. Specifically, the dataset covers annual trends in seatbelt laws, speed limits for passenger vehicles on rural interstates, minimum legal drinking ages, drunk driving laws, laws prohibiting the purchase of alcohol on Sundays, regulations for registering purchased kegs and/or prohibitions against selling kegs, beer taxes and total alcohol tax revenues, motorcycle and bicycle helmet laws, cigarette taxes, cigarette advertising bans, bans on workplace smoking, bans on smoking in restaurants and bars, and tobacco taxes (total revenue). Contains information about these laws for each year between 1980 and 2010, inclusive. In addition, it contains variables that describe the social, economic, demographic, health care, political, and crime characteristics of the states in each of these years.

To update see the guide to health policy.

Also see the State Policy Database (Ruger & Sorens Database of State and Local Public Policies and Policy Ideology Indices)


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